Spring 2022 Symposium
The Spanish & World Languages Teaching Symposium
The Spanish & World Languages Teaching Symposium is a collaborative effort of the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and the World Language Department of the University of Arkansas Fort Smith.
The primary goal of the Symposium is to provide an opportunity for Spanish and other world language instructors at the elementary, secondary, and university levels to come together to share ideas, best practices and cutting-edge research on teaching languages, literatures and cultures.
Home to global corporations and vibrant multilingual immigrant communities, world language education is highly relevant in Arkansas today, providing our students an education that will allow them to build more just and inclusive communities and be effective and ethical global citizens and world leaders.
COVID-19 Statement
We are hopeful that we can have a safe and enriching face-to-face event. However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications, we are committed to follow the CDC, the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), and the University of Arkansas’ guidelines. Should the university change its policy about face-to-face instruction and events, we will adhere to their recommendations and move the conference to a virtual setting. For more information about the University’s COVID-19 policy and updates click here.
Call for Proposals – Deadline Extended to February 28th, 2022
We invite proposals for workshops, panels, or poster presentations. Workshop proposals should focus on hands-on innovative strategies for teaching second language or heritage learners; panel presentations should explore approaches to literatures and cultures in the second language classroom; and poster presentations should highlight engaging lesson topics for language courses.
Last day to register: April 4th, 2022
Spanish & World Language Symposium 2022 Registration Form
This link will open the registration form. The pricing is as follows:
Early Bird pricing through March 1, 2022:
Faculty and instuctors: $40.00
Students: $20.00
Regular pricing from March 2, 2022 on:
Faculty and instructors: $50.00
Students: $25.00