“Building Capacity for Innovation in Spanish and World Language Teaching”
The Spanish & World Language Teaching Symposium will be held on April 8th – 9th at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. This event will start with a reception focused on language planning with educational and key stakeholders across the state at the Inn at Carnall Hall on the evening of April 8th. On April 9th, the symposium will take place from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Donald W. Reynolds Center for Enterprise Development, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
We invite proposals for workshops, panels, or poster presentations. Workshop proposals should focus on hands-on innovative strategies for teaching second language or heritage learners; panel presentations should explore approaches to literatures and cultures in the second language classroom; and poster presentations should highlight engaging lesson topics for language courses. All proposals must be submitted in English and must follow its corresponding format.
WORKSHOP PROPOSALS: As part of our symposium, we will hold 3 concurrent workshop sessions presenting about hands-on innovative strategies for teaching second language or heritage language learners. These workshops can be on a wide variety of aspects of teaching including but not limited to effective teaching strategies, assessment, L2 teaching rationale, High Impact Educational Practices, use of technology, innovative and creative teaching strategies, etc.
POSTER PROPOSALS: The posters should highlight engaging lesson topics for language. literature and culture courses. They should include an example of a unit, practice, or topic related to L2 or heritage language acquisition. We ask that you bring a 48″x36″ poster that then will be mounted on an easel or on the wall. We are also requesting that you bring 70 copies of a summary of your poster to serve as a hand out for those in attendance. Poster presenters will be required to stand with their posters from 4:30 to 5:15 on the day of the symposium to answer questions. Only those who submit proposals by the submission deadline will be permitted to participate in the poster session.
PANEL PROPOSALS: There will be four panels, with 3 presenters each. Each presentation will be 12 min long.
The symposium is seeking panel or individual submissions related to approaches to literatures and cultures in the second language classroom. Other related topics will also be considered. Please submit a 250-300 word abstract.
Proposal Submission Deadline: Extended to February 28th, 2022
Notification of Selection: After March 5th, 2022
All proposals must be submitted here by February 28th, 2022. Confirmation of receipt will be emailed automatically after submission. Spanish Road Map will not consider any proposals that are submitted via email. Presenters will be notified by email of the Symposium committee’s decision by March 5, 2022.
Presenter Responsibilities
-Presenters whose proposals are selected for presentation must be available to present any time during the Symposium. Spanish Road Map reserves the right to schedule all presentations in any slot during the published Symposium dates times and cannot take individual requests for preferred presentation assignments. If a presenter cannot accept the assigned time, then the presentation must be cancelled.
-Presenters are responsible for printing handouts for session attendees.
-Presenters are responsible for expenses incurred as a result of presenting. This includes all travel expenses and registration fees.
-Presenters who cancel their session 48 hours prior to the Symposium or who are a “no show” may not be considered for a refund.
Spanish & World Language Symposium 2022 Registration Form
This link will open the registration form. The pricing is as follows:
Early Bird pricing through March 1, 2022:
Faculty and instuctors: $40.00
Students: $20.00
Regular pricing from March 2, 2022 on:
Faculty and instructors: $50.00
Students: $25.00